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About Aidan Joseph. 

My name is Aidan Joseph and I'm a videographer and camera operator based in Sheffield. I work with businesses and musicians to create compelling, captivating video content that demands the attention of their audiences. 


I am particularly passionate about documentary filmmaking, and I try to utilise those techniques when working with brands to promote their stories. I am also heavily influenced by music, and I find that this is reflected in the rhythm and pacing of my films. I am a competent solo-shooter, but also work well as part of bigger crews. Although I specialise in camera-work, I have always been very involved in every step of the production process. I am also an experienced video editor, with hundreds of productions under my belt. 


My journey so far...

2014 - 2018

Studied BA (hons) Film And Media Production & MA Filmmaking at Sheffield Hallam University.

After years of experimentation with cameras and editing software in my childhood, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in film. Following in my parents footsteps (who met after studying here too!) I knew Sheffield was the right choice for me, and I've never looked back. Throughout my time at university I saw many successes I am still very proud of, including being nominated for a Royal Television Society award, and a Sheffield Institute of Arts award. My final major project - 'Limits of Freedom: The Street Children of Kathmandu' won several awards at multiple film festivals and can be seen online here. I graduated both my undergrad and masters with a first class degree and distinction respectfully. 

2018 - 2020

Started working as a freelance videographer, and formed a partnership (Blink Vivid).

During the first few years immediately after university, I explored several avenues in the local filmmaking world to develop my skillsets and inform my next steps. I worked on multiple shorts, documentaries and corporate projects with other production companies as a camera assistant and runner. These experiences helped me when pursuing my first independent client work with musicians, small businesses and charitable organisations. It was during this time that on a part-time basis I was establishing a brand and putting together the building blocks for my first business venture - Blink Vivid Video.

2020 - 2024

Founded Blink Vivid Ltd. and worked full time as Technical Director.

Building on an existing working relationship with my two close friends Joe & Will, we took the plunge to go full time running a video production company, and successfully grew the business over the next four years, working with major brands such as Amazon Prime, JCB, Whiteclaw and  Red Bull. During this time I was responsible mainly for the production of all our video content, carrying out the bulk of the camera and editing work. Throughout this job I was endlessly learning how to successfully run a business alongside honing my filmmaking skills.

What I'm doing now...

Started working for myself again as a full-time freelance Camera Operator & Videographer.

After many years of working as a part of a team, I decided I was ready for a new chapter with some more independence and freedom. Bringing all the skills that I have learnt with me, I am now working as a freelance camera operator and producing full video productions for clients as Aidan Joseph Media.

Aidan Joseph Media Camera Operating

Take a look at my showreel!

Test Meter Studio Shoot Aidan Joseph

Got a project in mind?

Do you need help creating your next video?

Please drop me an email to see how I can help. Whether you need a quote for an entire video, or a helping hand on your next production, I'll be glad to get back to you quickly.

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